Team Player – David Rabak

David RabakDavid Rabak, who is going into his second year of Kinesiology at WLU, joined our BW detail team in 2012. Right from the beginning Dave has been a dedicated, positive and excellent representative of Brentwood. He does an incredible job, ensuring our vehicles are up to BW standards of excellence. I have watched him inspecting the vehicles closely after they have been cleaned, examining every window angle to ensure no streaks are found. He takes humble pride in his work and has become a shift leader on our detail team. He is a humble yet very effective leader; not critical or negative but leads his team respectfully as they prepare the vehicles for your Unforgettable Memory. Dave holds the bar high for the rest of the detail team. He is a valuable member of Brentwood and today we honour him for his commitment to excellence and leadership.

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