Personal Column – Feb 2014

Tour of SufferlandriaDo you ever stop and consider how technology is forever changing our lives? Recently, I caught myself thinking about what my life was like before I had a cell phone much less a smart phone. I remind the kids when they fight over holding the remote that there was a time we didn’t have a remote to change the tv (remember having to get up to turn the dial on the tv?) Technology keeps improving and enhancing our lives. One area I am super excited about is the way technology is pushing me to a new level of fitness.

Stationary cycling indoors is typically unmotivating. I have just finished a 9 Day/9 Stage race with 2600+ people all over the world. Each morning I hook up my bike wirelesslessly to my laptop where I am then connected to the other races of ‘Sufferfest’. Together we complete a new race course each day with advanced video footage. Technology allows for measurement of speed, cadence, heart rate and power output (watts). Even though I’m in my garage I don’t have to ride alone. All 2600 racers are competing for the same finish line, not to mention the top prize! It’s experiences like this that cause me to love technology. If you are a cyclist, check out and join in group cycling.

Let us know what you think. Comment below
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