

How can we help you?
Although we have done our best, the time to communicate with our clients I believe is more important now than ever. We come alongside of you, as we celebrate 29 years in business. The real question I have for each of my clients is, how can I best serve you now?
Wedding vs Social event Limousine
When it comes to wedding events, at Brentwood Livery there is definitely a difference between a social event trained chauffeur and a wedding event trained, and experienced chauffeur.
unforgettable definition
The definition of unforgettable is very memorable or very hard to forget. If we were to explain Brentwood Livery in one word it would be unforgettable.
Unforgettable Life Law #1 Everyone should have the opportunity to live an unforgettable Life!
At Brentwood Livery we create, not compete for what is already created! We believe we do not have to drive sharp bargains, nor cheat or take advantage of our community or clients.
Primed and ready for growth in kitchener waterloo
It was an honour to work with 6 very bright MBA students from The Schulich School of Business. We were offered the opportunity for them to take a deep dive and forensically evaluate our business. Over 6 months they peeled back the onion so to speak, looking at the layers that might need improvement to better Brentwood’s sustainability and scalability as a Luxury Chauffeured Business.
Scandinave Spa in Blue Mountain
With the arrival of our brand new beautiful MKT Limo we felt it necessary that our reservation staff experience it's beauty first hand. So, on May 21st, we sent 5 of our office ladies up to the Scandinave Spa in Blue Mountain.
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