Waterloo Region

Waterloo Region

Providing an Unforgettable Mother's Day to the Waterloo Region
A common problem that can be hard to plan is how you wish to spend Mother’s day. Not only how, but with whom? Your own mother, your mother in law, wife, sister, and grandmother?
Now Hiring 3 Positions
Read more about the 3 positions that we have available. If you are a good fit or know someone who is, reach out to us right away!
Leo Tobi - Rotarian of the Year
We are very proud to have our very own Leo Tobi receive this award. Below is the given by President Troy Stuebing Kitchener Westmount Rotary Club
Waterloo Region Model Railway Club
Labour Day seems like the appropriate day to have a Brentwood Chauffeur Team BBQ doesn’t it? It was a perfect day, except for the 36 kph wind.
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